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Як відхилити всі майбутні зустрічі в Outlook?

Автор: Силувій Остання зміна: 2018-08-14

Якщо припустити, що ви створили або прийняли зустріч подій у своєму Outlook, як ви можете відхилити всі подальші зустрічі, які вам більше не потрібні, на основі конкретної дати? Ви можете дотримуватися методу, описаного в цій статті, щоб легко зробити це.

Відхиляйте всі майбутні зустрічі або зустрічі в Outlook

Відхиляйте всі майбутні зустрічі або зустрічі в Outlook

Будь ласка, виконайте наступні дії, щоб відхилити всі майбутні зустрічі або зустрічі в Outlook.

1. Відкрийте календар, двічі клацніть, щоб відкрити зустріч, яку потрібно відхилити у майбутньому, і в Відкрийте повторювані елементи діалоговому вікні, виберіть Вся серія потім натисніть кнопку OK кнопки.

2 В Серія зустрічей вікно, натисніть кнопку Повторення кнопку. Дивіться знімок екрана:

3 В Рецидив призначення діалоговому вікні, виберіть Закінчити до опція в Діапазон рецидивів розділ, введіть дату до майбутньої зустрічі, яку ви відхилите в серії, а потім натисніть OK кнопки.

4 Потім натисніть на Надіслати оновлення , щоб надіслати змінену зустріч. Для прийнятого запрошення на зустріч проігноруйте цей крок.

Тепер усі наступні зустрічі після 2018/8/10 автоматично відхилено.

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Comments (14)
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I don't understand why Microsoft wouldn't just add a "decline future meetings" as an option like the Groupwise email system had in days of old.
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Me neither!
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Be aware that this method indeed stop the recurrence beyond a date, ...but it also reset all individual exceptions of remaining meeting until that date!
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Outlook is garbage! This page is either out of date or not clear as to how to complete as the "reoccurrence button" is not available to me.
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This guidance worked for me as an attendee as well. It removed all future events in the meeting invite series while keeping the older meeting invites in my calendar. however, I don't think the meeting organizer will be notified of these "declines". hence I would not call them as "Declines" for future meetings.
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What Tim Read and I are trying to do is - as an attendee - decline all future meeting times, while leaving the prior meeting times in our calendar. The meeting will continue to be scheduled for the organizer and any other attendees. This doesn't seem to be possible. To accomplish this, an attendee would have to manually decline each remaining occurrence - and there could be hundreds...
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This guidance only works for the meeting organizer, not the meeting attendee.
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Is there a way to do this as an attendee (and not the meeting organiser)?!
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I found a way to do it, but not quite as instructed. In the calendar view, click on one of the meetings (but don't double-click to open it). In the Ribbon, the Calendar Tools menu should appear including Meeting Series. Then you can click on Recurrence, edit the End by date, and press OK. The annoying thing is that you'll immediately get meeting reminder for the last occurrence (which may have been days ago).

I don't know what happens if the meeting organiser later sends an update - at a guess, the safest thing would be to delete the new invitation. I also suspect that later if you do need to start participating again, the organiser will need to forward the invitiation to you again, and the entire series will be back in your calendar (including the ones that you weren't participating in).
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Thanks, Tim! That worked great. I hadn't noticed the Recurrence button on the ribbon when just clicking a meeting.

PS: I added the Recurrence button to my meeting ribbon, but it is grayed-out for recurring meetings where I am not the organizer.
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Update: sorry, looks like this doesn't work. The future meetings that I had removed have all reappeared in my Calendar.
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Thanks Tim, that seems to work, though it does not allow the preservation of any past amendments to the series. So if you had made changes to a particular past occurrence, that would be removed and replaced with the original again meeting series again.
Ideally I am looking to remove (or decline) any future occurrences, while retaining all the past meetings as is.
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Hi, after canceling the meeting and send the cancellation. The attendee should click the Remove from Calendar option at the top of the email when receiving the cancellation email.
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This works but is not persisted. I can successfully remove future occurrences of a meeting, until it re-syncs with Exchange which then puts the meetings back.
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