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Як відстежувати зміни без спільного використання книги?

Автор: Сяоян Остання зміна: 2020-07-16

Зазвичай, коли ви застосовуєте функцію Track Changes у програмі Excel, книжка буде спільно доступною одночасно, це буде дратувати, оскільки деякі функції в Excel будуть вимкнені. Як ви могли відстежувати зміни, не ділившись книгою? Тут я порекомендую вам код VBA.

Відстежуйте зміни без спільного використання книги з кодом VBA

стрілка синя права міхур Перетворення тексту в таблицю в Outlook

Ви не можете прямо вирішити цю проблему, але ви можете застосувати гнучкий код VBA для її вирішення, будь-ласка, зробіть наступне:

1. Клацніть правою кнопкою миші на вкладці аркуша, за якою потрібно відстежувати змінені комірки, і виберіть Переглянути код з контекстного меню, що з’явиться Microsoft Visual Basic для додатків вікно, скопіюйте та вставте наступний код у порожнє Модулі:

Код VBA: Відстеження змін без спільного використання книги:

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
  'Updateby Extendoffice
    Const xRg As String = "A1:Z1000"
    Dim strOld As String
    Dim strNew As String
    Dim strCmt As String
    Dim xLen As Long
    With Target(1)
        If Intersect(.Cells, Range(xRg)) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
        strNew = .Text
        Application.EnableEvents = False
        strOld = .Text
        .Value = strNew
        Application.EnableEvents = True
        strCmt = "Edit: " & Format$(Now, "dd Mmm YYYY hh:nn:ss") & " by " & _
        Application.UserName & Chr(10) & "Previous Text :- " & strOld
        If Target(1).Comment Is Nothing Then
            xLen = Len(.Comment.Shape.TextFrame.Characters.Text)
        End If
        With .Comment.Shape.TextFrame
            .AutoSize = True
            .Characters(Start:=xLen + 1).Insert IIf(xLen, vbLf, "") & strCmt
        End With
    End With
End Sub

Зміна доріжки без спільного використання 1

примітки: У наведеному вище коді, A1: Z1000 - діапазон даних, для якого потрібно відстежувати зміни.

2. Потім збережіть і закрийте це вікно коду, тепер, коли ви зміните значення в будь-яких комірках у межах вказаного діапазону, який ви встановили в коді, комірки будуть відстежуватися, і книга не буде спільною. Дивіться знімок екрана:

Зміна доріжки без спільного використання 2

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Вкладка Office Передає інтерфейс із вкладками в Office і значно полегшує вашу роботу

  • Увімкніть редагування та читання на вкладках у Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher, Access, Visio та Project.
  • Відкривайте та створюйте кілька документів на нових вкладках того самого вікна, а не в нових вікнах.
  • Збільшує вашу продуктивність на 50% та зменшує сотні клацань миші для вас щодня!
Comments (14)
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Does this MAcro capture changes on formula values everytime my data model is updated?
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Is there a way to record the changes for all tabs in a workbook, and record the changes to a new spreadsheet? THAT would be awesome ... and I can't find any information across the internet with this type of tracking process.
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Hello, jfjoyner,To change this code for all sheets, and record the track changes to another sheet, please use the below code:
Note: Please put this code into the ThisWorkbook module.
Option Explicit
Dim mStrRgAddress As String
Dim mStrRgValue As String

Private Sub Workbook_SheetSelectionChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range)
Const xRg As String = "A1:Z1000"
Const xSheetName As String = "Record sheet" 'The sheet that you want to put the track changes, please change the sheet name to your own.
Dim strOld As String
Dim strNew As String
Dim strCmt As String
Dim xLen As Long
Dim xSheet As Worksheet
Dim xRgCell As Range
Dim xRgCell2 As Range
On Error Resume Next
Set xSheet = Application.Sheets.Item(xSheetName)
If mStrRgAddress <> "" Then
Set xRgCell = Range(mStrRgAddress)
If xRgCell.Text <> mStrRgValue Then
strCmt = mStrRgAddress & " : " & Format$(Now, "dd Mmm YYYY hh:nn:ss") & " by " & _
Application.UserName & Chr(10) & "Previous Text :- " & mStrRgValue
Set xRgCell2 = xSheet.Range("a1048576").End(xlUp)
If xRgCell2.AddressLocal = xSheet.Range("A1").AddressLocal Then
If xRgCell2.Value <> "" Then
Set xRgCell2 = xRgCell2.Offset(1, 0)
End If
Set xRgCell2 = xRgCell2.Offset(1, 0)
End If
xRgCell2.Value = strCmt
End If
End If
If xSheet.Name = Sh.Name Then Exit Sub
mStrRgValue = Target.Text
mStrRgAddress = Target.AddressLocal(False, False, , True)
End Sub
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Thanks, this is great, but I can't get it to work. I assume it runs automatically, meaning no need to click on "Run"? I renamed a worksheet to say {--TRACK_CHANGES--} to follow the instructions you left in green. So far, it is not recording anything. Thanks.
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Hello jfjoyner3,First, after you copy our VBA Code into the ThisWorkbook module, the code runs automatically.Second, our VBA code does works. Plesae see the two screenshots I uploaded in this comment.
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Mandyzhou, Thank you again for this detailed guidance. I am getting a Syntax Error and it points me to this line:

If mStrRgAddress <> "" Then

Are you able to guide to modify this and remove the Syntax Error?
Thank you!
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Thanks again, skyyang.I also noticed that when I pasted this into the module for This Workbook, my large spreadsheet began to calculate continuously and would not stop.  I know nothing about VBA programming, but I found this discussion about the same topic. It might explain why the calculation goes on endlessly. https://www.mrexcel.com/board/threads/continuous-calculation-wont-stop.1179541/page-6#posts 
The issue on this web site was: <span style="letter-spacing: 0.2px; color: inherit; font-family: inherit; font-style: inherit; font-variant-ligatures: inherit; font-variant-caps: inherit;">But once the continuous-calculation issue starts, it's persistent. Pressing the Esc key does interrupt the calculation, but it starts right back up again unless I switch to Manual Calc. Manual calc mode works fine until I run any of the macros, which then ends by re-enabling AutoCalc... I've been through each worksheet in the model and run error-checking to no avail.</span>
Their conclusion was: This is true: once you refer to a form object or its property (frmBudget.startupposition = 3) - the object is then loaded until you unload it or reset your project (State loss - At this point ALL variables are reset and any values lost)
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Hello jfjoyner3,How are you. As you can see in the two screenshots, I changed the "record sheet" into "sheet2" in the VBA Code. 
Then I returned to Excel workbook. After I made some changes in the sheet1, all these changes are recorded in the sheet2.
As for the continuous-calculation issue, could you please send us the screenshots or video of your problem? So we can fully understand what is going on here. Thanks! 
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MandyZhou, thank you. Does this macro start automatically when I open the spreadsheet? Or must I start it manually? 
The continuous calculation problem is related to another app. 
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Thank you very much!
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Hello jfjoyner3,You are welcome. After you save the spreadsheet with the macro VBA code, the macro will start automatically every time you open the spreadsheet. No need to start it manually. Any question, please feel free to contact us. Have a nice day!Best regards,Mandy   
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I tried using this VBA code in my excel sheet. But it gave me errors. I don't know from where this macro should be called and what is the argument to the function you have provided when it is called.
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Great work. Unfortunately, there are some issues with your code. - It will add a comment even on the first entry of the cell. How can I make it track changes from the second entry not the first one? - Once I enter a value in a cell I can't do "Undo". - It doesn't work with tables. Try to use on a table then try to add or delete a raw and the code will crash. I really wish I have the knowledge to get the code to work the way I want it as described above.
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I have the same issue. "Undo" and "Redo" buttons don't work anymore. Is there any solution for this?
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