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Як розфарбувати або виділити певне слово в клітинках у Excel?

Автор: Силувій Остання зміна: 2020-06-04

Якщо клітинка містить кілька слів, як можна виділити певне слово лише в цій клітинці? А як щодо виділення цього певного слова в декількох клітинках? У цій статті буде запропоновано спосіб її досягнення.

Зафарбуйте певне слово в одній комірці / декількох комірках кодом VBA

Зафарбуйте певне слово в одній комірці / декількох комірках кодом VBA

Наступний код VBA може допомогти вам виділити певне слово у виділенні. Будь ласка, виконайте наступне.

1. Виберіть діапазон, який містить клітинки, для яких потрібно виділити певне слово всередині. Потім натисніть інший + F11 клавіші одночасно, щоб відкрити Microsoft Visual Basic для додатків вікна.

2. На відкритті Microsoft Visual Basic для додатків вікна, натисніть Insert > Модулі. Потім скопіюйте та вставте код VBA у вікно коду.

Код VBA: Розфарбуйте певне слово в клітинках Excel

Sub HighlightStrings()
    Dim xHStr As String, xStrTmp As String
    Dim xHStrLen As Long, xCount As Long, I As Long
    Dim xCell As Range
    Dim xArr
    On Error Resume Next
    xHStr = Application.InputBox("What is the string to highlight:", "KuTools For Excel", , , , , , 2)
    If TypeName(xHStr) <> "String" Then Exit Sub
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        xHStrLen = Len(xHStr)
        For Each xCell In Selection
            xArr = Split(xCell.Value, xHStr)
            xCount = UBound(xArr)
            If xCount > 0 Then
                xStrTmp = ""
                For I = 0 To xCount - 1
                    xStrTmp = xStrTmp & xArr(I)
                    xCell.Characters(Len(xStrTmp) + 1, xHStrLen).Font.ColorIndex = 3
                    xStrTmp = xStrTmp & xHStr
            End If
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

3 Натисніть кнопку F5 клавіша для запуску коду. І в Kutools для Excel діалогове вікно, введіть певне слово, яке ви виділите в клітинках, а потім натисніть OK кнопку. Дивіться знімок екрана:

Тоді ви зможете побачити, що всі вказані вами слова відразу виділені у виділених клітинках червоним кольором, як показано нижче.

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Comments (24)
Rated 5 out of 5 · 1 ratings
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Is there any chance that I can do both coloring and make words Bond with that VBA code? Please help me :)
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Bonjour Cristal,
Merci pour ce code. Est-il possible de l'adapter pour mettre en évidence plusieurs mots "Apple,Rose,Vert,Merci"
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Hi Cous,

The following VBA code can help. After running the code, you will get a dialog box. Please type in the words you want to highlight and separate them by comma.
Sub HighlightStrings()
'Updated by Extendoffice 20230130
    Dim xHStr As String, xStrTmp As String
    Dim xHStrLen As Long, xCount As Long, I As Long
    Dim xCell As Range
    Dim xArr
    Dim xArr2
    On Error Resume Next
    xHStr = Application.InputBox("What is the string to highlight:", "KuTools For Excel", , , , , , 2)
    If TypeName(xHStr) <> "String" Then Exit Sub
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    xArr2 = Split(xHStr, ",")
    For j = 0 To UBound(xArr2)
        xHStr = xArr2(j)
        xHStrLen = Len(xHStr)
        For Each xCell In Selection
            xArr = Split(xCell.Value, xHStr)
            xCount = UBound(xArr)
            If xCount > 0 Then
                xStrTmp = ""
                For I = 0 To xCount - 1
                    xStrTmp = xStrTmp & xArr(I)
                    xCell.Characters(Len(xStrTmp) + 1, xHStrLen).Font.ColorIndex = 3
                    xStrTmp = xStrTmp & xHStr
            End If
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
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Thank you. that was really helpful. Can someone please tell how to color the text instead of highlighting it?

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Hi Shaik Faiaz hamad,

Excel does not allow coloring a part of a cell. I'm sorry I can't help you with this problem.
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Thank you that is very useful. How can I Highlight a word instead of a font color?

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how could the script be altered to do the following?

increase the font by 1 size, and
highlight multiple words with one running of the script?

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Hi t.taln,

If you want to increae the font size by 1 and highlight multiple words at the same time, please add the following line after the line "xCell.Characters(Len(xStrTmp) + 1, xHStrLen).Font.ColorIndex = 3" in the VBA code.
Note: You need to know the current font size of the selected cell beforehand, and then enter a number one size larger than the original word. The number 12 in the line below is the font size I will assign to the matching words. And the original font size of the word is 11.
xCell.Characters(Len(xStrTmp) + 1, xHStrLen).Font.Size = 12
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That's very nice, thx! I'm wondering if anyone knows how to make it work on Mac? Many thanks
Rated 5 out of 5
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a me servirebbe evidenziare tutti i numeri (comprensivi di due decimali) da -10,00 a 0 in rosso e da 0 a +10,00 in verde. come posso fare per non aggiungere singolarmente ogni dato senza aggiungerli tutti manualmente?

Grazie mille
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Hi Ciao,
Are your numbers located in different cells in a range? If so, you can create two conditional formatting rules (between -10 and 0, between 0 and 10) to highlight these numbers. If not, can you upload a screenshot of your data?
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Coloreaza cuvantul doar daca e la inceput. Daca e la mijloc in aceeasi casuta de excel sau la sfarsit nu-l coloreaza.
Ce anume as putea schimba in cod pentru a-l colora indiferent unde se afla in casuta excel?

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Hi Andreea,
If you only want to highlight the word if it is at the beginning of the selected cells. The following VBA code can do you a favor. Please give it a try.
Sub HighlightStrings()
'Updated by Extendoffice 20220805
    Dim xHStr As String, xStrTmp As String
    Dim xHStrLen As Long, xCount As Long, I As Long
    Dim xCell As Range
    Dim xArr
    On Error Resume Next
    xHStr = Application.InputBox("What is the string to highlight:", "KuTools For Excel", , , , , , 2)
    If TypeName(xHStr) <> "String" Then Exit Sub
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        xHStrLen = Len(xHStr)
        For Each xCell In Selection
            If xHStrLen <= Len(xCell.Value) Then
                If xHStr = Left(xCell.Value, xHStrLen) Then
                    xCell.Characters(1, xHStrLen).Font.ColorIndex = 3
                End If
            End If
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
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Est-il possible de supprimer la boite de dialogue et de mettre par défaut "apple" comme mot recherché ?
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Hello PAUC,
The following code can do you a favor. Please give it a try.
Sub HighlightStrings()
'Updated by Extendoffice 20220721
    Dim xHStr As String, xStrTmp As String
    Dim xHStrLen As Long, xCount As Long, I As Long
    Dim xCell As Range
    Dim xArr
    On Error Resume Next
    xHStr = "apple"
    If TypeName(xHStr) <> "String" Then Exit Sub
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        xHStrLen = Len(xHStr)
        For Each xCell In Selection
            xArr = Split(xCell.Value, xHStr)
            xCount = UBound(xArr)
            If xCount > 0 Then
                xStrTmp = ""
                For I = 0 To xCount - 1
                    xStrTmp = xStrTmp & xArr(I)
                    xCell.Characters(Len(xStrTmp) + 1, xHStrLen).Font.ColorIndex = 3
                    xStrTmp = xStrTmp & xHStr
            End If
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
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Thanks... this was very helpful! Is there a way to adjust the macro so that it only highlights whole words instead of partials. For instance, I'm trying to highlight the word "design" but it highlights the "design" in the word "designate". I want it to skip over that word if it's not the whole word. Thanks!
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