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Як перевірити, чи в Excel час не перевищує двох разів?

Автор: Сяоян Остання зміна: 2022-09-28

Як в Excel можна перевірити, чи певний час знаходиться між двома даними? Щоб перевірити їх по черзі, буде витрачено багато часу, тут я представив кілька простих формул для вирішення цієї роботи.

Перевірте, чи певний час знаходиться між двома даними, за допомогою формул

стрілка синя права міхур Перевірте, чи певний час знаходиться між двома даними, за допомогою формул

Наприклад, у мене є два стовпці разів, які є часом початку та кінця часу в стовпці A і стовпці B окремо, тепер я хочу перевірити, чи час у стовпці C знаходиться між діапазоном часу в стовпці A і стовпці B, як показано на знімку екрана нижче :

doc перевірити, чи час між часами 1

Наступні формули можуть допомогти вам визначити, чи конкретний час становить два рази, будь-ласка, зробіть так:

Введіть будь-яку з наведених формул у порожню комірку поруч із вашими даними, куди потрібно вивести результат:

= IF (C2 = MEDIAN (A2, B2, C2), "Так", "Ні")


А потім перетягніть маркер заповнення вниз до комірок, до яких ви хочете застосувати цю формулу, і час, якщо між даними два рази було визначено, якщо це два рази, відобразиться Так, якщо немає між двома разів відображатиметься Ні, див. знімок екрана:

doc перевірити, чи час між часами 2

Примітка: У наведених формулах C2 - конкретний час, який ви хочете перевірити, і A2 та B2 є клітинки містять два рази, які ви хочете перевірити на основі.

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Вкладка Office Передає інтерфейс із вкладками в Office і значно полегшує вашу роботу

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Comments (22)
Rated 5 out of 5 · 1 ratings
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Curious how to write a formula that results a number (1) to count a person present at a specific time.
For example: If I need to know that a person was present at 2:45pm, during these 5 schedules.
IN OUT 2:45pm
11:00 5:00PM 1
12:00 4:13PM 1
9:00 5:00PM 1
7:47 2:10PM 0
3:50 6:00PM 0

Need to result a 1 - if they arrive before 2:44pm
And result a 1 - if they depart after 2:46pm

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This is a great article and the OR(MOD... is a great work around for times on different dates.

How would I incorporate this to a formula with the following parameters:

If Cell A1 reads as yesterday between 22:00 and 23:59, display as same day.
If Cell A1 reads as today between 00:00 and 21:59, display as yesterday.

Any assistance here is GREATLY appreciated as I'm a lost little puppy on this one.
Rated 5 out of 5
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Ik hoop dat iemand mij hier kan helpen.
Ik heb zoals de meeste mensen in deze discussie, een tijdvenster bestaande uit 2 tijden.
voor het gemak:
Cel A2 staat in 15:00
Cel B2 staat in 16:00
Cel C2 staat in 15:49

ik wil met een formule weten of Cel C2 binnen het tijdvak van A2 en B2 ligt.
als ik de formules kopieer van hierboven en deze aanpas naar mijn cellen(en taal), krijg ik een onjuiste formule melding.

Ik ben vrij handig in Excel... maar dit krijg ik verdorie niet voor elkaar.
(Ik heb een nederlandse versie van Excel)

de formule die ik nu probeerde te gebruiken is: =als(en(C2>=MIN(A2:B2),C2<=MAX(A2:B2)),"YES","NO")

wat doe ik fout? :(
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Hello, Bastiaan
I have tested your formula in Dutch, the formula works well, please see the below screenshot:
Please try again, thank you!
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Hi, I am comparing hundreds of thousands of lines of data (for the first time) and needed an equation that that compares time between two of he columns. However, I cannot get away with an IF statement using A3<>F3 because the times in A3 are about 1 second off. Rather I just need to the nearest minute. Any help?
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I am in need of assistance. I have been pulling my hair out over the last month trying to figure out a way to make my life simpler. I am not even sure if it can be done because I can not find anything on how to do it. My problem is this........ I recently started using a new program to collect data for incoming and outgoing employees. The data readers are sensitive and will sometimes account for an employee multiple times over the course of a couple of minutes. when I export this data into an excel file, it is an absolute nightmare trying to individually delete the extra captures. Using the remove duplicates option helps, but still leaves many duplicate times due to the Seconds in the time being different. Today for example after I removed the duplicates, I still have over 24,000 unique entries that I have to go through to get that data I need. Someone, anyone..... please Help!
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I am trying to calculate time per day for example I went to the computer lab and logged in for 4hours&35minutes on Monday and Tuesday I logged in on for 2 hours and 10 minutes and Wednesday 3hours and 4 minutes and Thursday for 4 hours and 14 minutes and Friday 1 hour and 15 minutes. Add those total together and get a grand total. I want to be able to keep every minute. No rounding, I know that I have to use the IF function.
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Help me in this, as if there is some time ranges in a day and i have to find out time clashing is there or not. then please suggest some formula!
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Hello I have to find my specific time is in between two times...eg : Start time(AS2) is 23:00:00 and End time(AT2) is 8:00:00, specific time(J2) is 0:02:20, so when i use the formula =IF(AND(J2>=MIN(AS2:AT2),J2<=MAX(AS2:AT2)),"YES","NO") it should show yes as its in between tow times only but its showing no, any help in correcting the formula ?
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Hi Santosh, That is similar to my use,I use something along the lines of;

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Hi Silver,

The formula doesn't work. If I have to enter "13:00" (hours) in each row, why there is formula, this is not making the job any easier.
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If your time over midnight, you should apply the below formula:
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In the above formula, C1 is the specific time you want to check for, and the TIME(23,0,0) and TIME(8,0,0) are the two times you want to check between. You should change the references to your need.
Please try it, hope it can help you!
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I have two times here 23:00:00(AS2 Start Time) and 8:00:00(AT2 End Time) and specific time is 0:02:20(J2), so when i use this formula =IF(AND(J2>=MIN(AS2:AT2),J2<=MAX(AS2:AT2)),"YES","NO"), it should come as yes as the specific time is in between our two start and end time but its showing no..any help in correcting this formula
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This isn't working for me when the specific time is =NOW() to display the current time. Any suggestions?
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Hello, Nikkii,

If you enter =now() function to get the current date and time, both date and time are displayed, if you need a formula to get the current time dynamically, you can apply this formula: =MOD(NOW(),1), and then format it as time format. And then, you can use the formula in this article successfully.

Please try, hope it can help you!
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