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Як знайти мінімальне значення в діапазоні, виключаючи нульове значення в Excel?

Автор: Силувій Остання зміна: 2020-04-28

Зазвичай нульовим значенням вважається мінімальне значення серед додатних чисел. Але в деяких випадках вам потрібно знайти мінімальне значення в діапазоні, виключаючи нульове значення. Ця стаття покаже вам спосіб пошуку мінімального значення за винятком нуля в Excel.

Знайдіть мінімальне значення за винятком нуля за формулою

стрілка синя права міхур Знайдіть мінімальне значення за винятком нуля за формулою

Припустимо, що ваші числові значення знаходяться в діапазоні A1: E7, як показано на знімку екрана нижче. Будь ласка, застосуйте наступну формулу, щоб отримати мінімальне значення в цьому діапазоні, за винятком нуля в Excel.

1. Виберіть порожню комірку (H1) для розміщення мінімального значення, введіть формулу =SMALL(A1:E7,COUNTIF($A$1:$E$7,0)+1) в панель формул, а потім натисніть Що натомість? Створіть віртуальну версію себе у ключ

Тоді мінімальне значення вказаного діапазону, за винятком нуля, заповнюється у вибраній комірці, як показано на скріншоті.

примітки: Ви також можете використовувати формулу масиву =MIN(IF($A$1:$E$7 <>0,$A$1:$E$7)) + Ctrl + Shift + Що натомість? Створіть віртуальну версію себе у клавіші, щоб отримати мінімальне значення діапазону без нуля в Excel.

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Comments (29)
Rated 5 out of 5 · 1 ratings
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Saya mencari nilai alpa predikat dan tentunya nilai 0 sangat dibutuhkan, kenapa fungsi min tidak mendeteksi nilai 0 di excel saya?
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Hi Denysptwn,
The formula in this post helps to find the smallest value excluding zero.
If you want to include zero in the result, just use this formula: =MIN($A$1:$C$7)
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Hi Dear Srystal
Many thanks for you kindness and the time you spend for my problem and for solving it,
I didn't knew this way and this is very useful for future working.
As i have more than 700 rows in my sheet and needed to sort my data too and because of some merged cells it was very hard to do it, therefore i askd fir help to have some VBA code and some kind friends kindly sent me a code and soled my problem.
I am Sorry, I forgot to let you know that the problem has been resolved.
Thank you again and hope to be able to repay the love of all of you friends.
Good luck dear
Sincerely yours, Javid
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Hi Javid,
You may receive an error message when you sort a range that contains merged cells in Excel. There is no directly way to handle this issue. You need to manually unmerge the merged cells first to sort all cells. You can following the methods in the following article. Hope I can help. Thank you for your comment.
How To Sort Data With Merged Cells In Excel?
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Hi dear Crystal,
Good to see your comment again :)
Many Thanks for your useful information and suggestion.
After facing many problems, I decided to change my strategy and the first step was to remove the merged cells and replace them with new cells and new numbers.
I'm making some changes, including the one I mentioned.
I hope I will face less problems from now on.
Thanks again with love,
Have a nice times.
Rated 5 out of 5
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Can anyone help me to use formula to find small value except zero and highlight it with conditional format?
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Please follow the steps below to get it done.
1. Click Home > Conditional Formatting > New Rule.
2. In the Edit Formatting Rule dialog box, select Format only cells that contain in the Select a Rule Type list box; Select equal to in the second drop-down list, and then enter the formula below (don't forget to change the cell references):
=SMALL($F$5:$O$21, COUNTIF($F$5:$O$21, "<=0")+1)
3. Click the Format button to specify a fill color to highlight the cells.
4. Click OK.
See the uploaded screenshot below.
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Hi, how to search for the minimum of values present in multiple matrices, always excluding 0 if the matrices are on different sheets?
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Hi Zingo,Sorry I can't help to solve this problem. Here suggest you post the problem to the forum below to get help from other Excel enthusiasts. https://www.extendoffice.com/forum/kutools-for-excel.html 
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I have a formula that looks the the lest number in a seperate workbook, but if the data is not fully entered or collected yet, the return value is 0, rather than the smallest number. is there a way to solve this via the formula or a feature in exceel?
=MIN(IF('Input Data 54 mm'!$D:$D='Index Values 54 mm'!$A7,('Input Data 54 mm'!J:J)*95%))
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Sorry I can't solve this problem. You can post the problem to the forum below to get help from other Excel enthusiasts.
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How do I find the small/lowest number that is not 0 based on certain conditions, e.g.: find the minimum number in a row, based on the columns with "covid"?
I typed this =MIN(IF($C$8:$AF$8=$AK$3,C10:AF10<>0,C10:AF10)) but it doesn't evaluate this $C$8:$AF$8=$AK$3, it only returns C10:AF10<>0,C10:AF10. where AK3 = covid.
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what to do if you have zeros in a row. for example comparative statement with not quoted items?
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update on the formula from Crystal: the formula works but the it counts the blank cells as the lowest in the range. how do we fix the formula not to count for zero value or empty cells?
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Crystal, you are amazing! thank you thank you so much for the help :-) made my life/work easier
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This was very useful. how do we revise the formula that instead of giving me the lowest value, it would identify under which heading is the lowest value on. Scenario is i have 3 suppliers, providing 3 different prices. i would like the formula to tell me which supplier has the lowest price (i.e. supplier 1, supplier 2, etc) and gives me that supplier's name so i could sort it later. Thank you
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Hi francis,
Please apply this formula: =INDEX($A$1:$C$1,0,MATCH(MIN($A2:$C2),$A2:$C2,0)) as the below screenshot shown.
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Hi Crystal, how to excludie zero value in this formula
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