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Як вставити штамп дати в клітинку, якщо встановлено прапорець у Excel?

Автор: Силувій Остання зміна: 2020-07-22

Зазвичай ви вводите позначку дати за допомогою гарячих клавіш у програмі Excel. Як щодо вставлення позначки дати в клітинку за допомогою прапорця в Excel? При встановленні прапорця позначка часу автоматично вставляється у вказану комірку. Ця стаття допоможе вам її вирішити.

Вставте штамп дати в клітинку, якщо встановлено прапорець із кодом VBA

Вставте штамп дати в клітинку, якщо встановлено прапорець із кодом VBA

У цьому розділі буде представлено сценарій VBA, який допоможе вам автоматично вставити штамп дати в клітинку, якщо встановити прапорець у Excel. Будь ласка, виконайте наступне.

1. Вставивши прапорець, натисніть інший + F11 клавіші одночасно, щоб відкрити Microsoft Visual Basic для додатків вікна.

2 В Microsoft Visual Basic для додатків вікна, натисніть Insert > Модулі. Потім скопіюйте та вставте наведений нижче код VBA у вікно модуля.

Код VBA: Вставте штамп дати в клітинку, якщо встановлено прапорець

Sub CheckBox_Date_Stamp()
Dim xChk As CheckBox
Set xChk = ActiveSheet.CheckBoxes(Application.Caller)
With xChk.TopLeftCell.Offset(, 1)
    If xChk.Value = xlOff Then
        .Value = ""
       .Value = Date
    End If
End With
End Sub

3. прес інший + Q клавіші, щоб закрити Microsoft Visual Basic для додатків вікна.

4. Клацніть правою кнопкою миші прапорець та виберіть Призначити Micro з меню правої клавіші миші. Дивіться знімок екрана:

5 В Призначити макрос діалогове вікно, виберіть CheckBox_Date_Stamp в Назва макросу , а потім клацніть на OK кнопку. Дивіться знімок екрана:

Якщо встановити прапорець, позначка дати буде автоматично вставлена ​​в сусідню комірку.

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Вкладка Office Передає інтерфейс із вкладками в Office і значно полегшує вашу роботу

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  • Відкривайте та створюйте кілька документів на нових вкладках того самого вікна, а не в нових вікнах.
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Hi, how can I loop the code to include all checkboxes in the column ?
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Good day,
If there are lots of checkboxes in rows and you want to act on all check boxes at the same time, the below VBA code can help you.
Please copy the codes below into a Module code window, go back to the worksheet and create a button (such as a Button (Form Control)), assign the macro SetAllChkChange() to the button, then click the button to run the code.

Now all check boxes in rows of your worksheet have been activate. You can check any one of them to insert date stamp in its adjacent cell.

<div data-tag="code">Sub SetAllChkChange()
'Updated by Extendoffice 20211130
Dim xChks
Dim xChk As CheckBox
On Error Resume Next
Set xChks = ActiveSheet.CheckBoxes
For Each xChk In xChks
Selection.OnAction = "ObjChkChange"
End Sub

Sub ObjChkChange()
Dim xChk As CheckBox
Set xChk = ActiveSheet.CheckBoxes(Application.Caller)
With xChk.TopLeftCell.Offset(, 1)
If xChk.Value = xlOff Then
.Value = ""
.Value = Date
End If
End With
End Sub
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Thank you very much!! Brilliant! Thank you!
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I used the VBA for the checkbox time stamp, but the first two cells are not working correctly. My first check box is in A2, when I check the box, the time is posted in B1. How do I fix this?
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Hi Steve,
Please replace the fourth line in the code with With xChk.TopLeftCell.Offset(1, 1).
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hi! i can't seem to find a way where in the datestamp will be on the side of the check box. i tried changing the offset value from 0, 1 and -1. can you help me with this? thank you!
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Hi, supposing your check box is in A2 and want to output the datestamp on the right side of the check box (in this case it is B2), please change the Offset value to Offset(1, 1).
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how do i get the date stamp to be displayed under my check box?
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Hi! Thanks for the code. It works perfectly with a lil tweaking on the offset. However, i was working on a sheet which has many many manyyy rows (~500+ rows) which contains load of check boxes and the file size grew significantly. Is there any way to reduce the size? Any alternative way to do this?

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Good da
If there are lots of check boxes in rows and you want to act on all check boxes at the same time, the below VBA code can help you.
Please copy the codes into a Module code window, go back to the worksheet and create a button (such as a Button (Form Control)), assign the macro SetAllChkChange() to the button, then click the button to run the code.

Now all check boxes in rows of your worksheet have been activate. You can check any one of them to insert date stamp in its adjacent cell.

Sub SetAllChkChange()
Dim xChks
Dim xChk As CheckBox
Dim xI As Long
On Error Resume Next
Erase xArrChk
Set xChks = ActiveSheet.CheckBoxes
ReDim Preserve xArrChk(1 To xChks.count)
xI = 1
For Each xChk In xChks
Selection.OnAction = "ObjChkChange"
End Sub

Sub ObjChkChange()
Dim xChk As CheckBox
Set xChk = ActiveSheet.CheckBoxes(Application.Caller)
With xChk.TopLeftCell.Offset(, 1)
If xChk.Value = xlOff Then
.Value = ""
.Value = Date
End If
End With
End Sub
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I copy & pasted the VBA code exactly, but on my spreadsheet, the date appears in the cell above and to the right of the check box column, not in the cell directly to the right. ?
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This is what I did to fix that issue

Sub CheckBox_Date_Stamp()
Dim xChk As CheckBox
Set xChk = ActiveSheet.CheckBoxes(Application.Caller)
With xChk.TopLeftCell.Offset(1, 1)
If xChk.Value = xlOff Then
.Value = ""
.Value = Now()
End If
End With
End Sub
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I am also having that exact same issue. "HELP! I need somebody HELP! Not just anybody HELP! You know I need someone HELP!
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I had the same issue with the date and time stamp appearing in the cell above the intended cell (using Excel 2007). I went ahead and altered the "offset" formula so that it goes over one cell AND down one cell and now the stamp is appearing where I want it: With xChk.TopLeftCell.Offset(1, 1)
I am updating a worksheet that someone else created and didn't create the checkboxes, but it may have to do with where inside the cell the check box is placed. I got different results when I lined up the checkbox with the bottom of the cell.

Hope that helps!
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Good day,
The code works well in my case. After checking the check box, the date will appear in the cell directly to the right. Would you provide a screenshot of your case. And which Office version do you use. Thank you.
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HI I tried this formula and it worked only for A1 and B1 when I applied the macro to to the checkbox in A1. However, when I applied the macro to the checkbox in A2, nothing happened in B2. Also how would the formula be changed if I wanted to use this for a checklist? If column A was the checkboxes and column C was completed date.
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Good Day,
Please assign the macro individually to each checkbox.
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Hi:) you can copy the cell with the checkbox in A1 to the rest of the column. or assign the macro individually to each checkbox
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Is there any way to do this with the date AND time? Thanks for the info either way!
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Please apply below VBA code to add date and time.

Sub CheckBox_Date_Stamp()
Dim xChk As CheckBox
Set xChk = ActiveSheet.CheckBoxes(Application.Caller)
With xChk.TopLeftCell.Offset(, 1)
If xChk.Value = xlOff Then
.Value = ""
.Value = Now()
End If
End With
End Sub
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Sub CheckBox_Date_Stamp() Dim xChk As CheckBox Set xChk = ActiveSheet.CheckBoxes(Application.Caller) With xChk.TopLeftCell.Offset(, 1) If xChk.Value = xlOff Then .Value = "" Else .Value = Date & " " & Time End If End With End Sub
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Thank you, this was very helpful, I would like to note that I find it more useful to have the date stamp to the left of the check box. to do this you just change the offset to (, -1)
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