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  Friday, 05 October 2018
  0 Replies
  2.9K Visits
I am looking at this kutools, and was trying to test a couple of the VBA scripts before I purchase the software. I have come across this one, and am wondering what needs to be changed to allow more than 2 columns.

This is the code you have on your site:

Sub InsertValueBetween()
'Update 20130825
Dim WorkRng As Range
Dim Rng As Range
Dim outArr As Variant
Dim dic As Variant
Set dic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
'On Error Resume Next
xTitleId = "KutoolsforExcel"
Set WorkRng = Application.Selection
Set WorkRng = Application.InputBox("Range", xTitleId, WorkRng.Address, Type:=8)
num1 = WorkRng.Range("A1").Value
num2 = WorkRng.Range("A" & WorkRng.Rows.Count).Value
interval = num2 - num1
ReDim outArr(1 To interval + 1, 1 To 2)
For Each Rng In WorkRng
dic(Rng.Value) = Rng.Offset(0, 1).Value
For i = 0 To interval
outArr(i + 1, 1) = i + num1
If dic.Exists(i + num1) Then
outArr(i + 1, 2) = dic(i + num1)
outArr(i + 1, 2) = ""
End If
With WorkRng.Range("A1").Resize(UBound(outArr, 1), UBound(outArr, 2))
.Value = outArr
End With
End Sub

My issue is that sometimes I may have an excel spreadsheet that has columns A thru S, and other times I may have a sheet that has columns A thru Z. and my column that I need to base my add rows off of may not be the first one.

How can I modify this to allow me to select the entire spreadsheet, and then select the column that I want it to use for the sequential numbers?
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